A Temple of learning, this school is an epitome of excellent education where every child is given wonderful opportunity to shape their future and is a name to reckon with, a landmark in every sense of the word. It has been granted affiliation up to Grade 12 by the Central Board of Secondary Education [CBSE], New Delhi.
Our kindergarten language arts curriculum provides a balance of reading and writing readiness skills.
Junior School
A Junior school is a type of school which provides primary education to children, often in the age range from 8 and 13, following attendance at Infant school which covers the age range 5–7.
Middle School
The learning strategies in Primary classes are designed to enthuse students into academic inquisitiveness, learn responsibility and grow into a structural phase of learning.
Senior high school is a secondary school that students attend in the three or four highest grades before college.
Senior Secondary
Although definitions vary, the senior secondary years are sometimes defined as being from approximately age 15 to age 18.
S.A.V Neet
S.A.V NEET ACADEMY is an educational family where students and staff from various Indian states live, teach and study together in a congenial atmosphere.

Success comes to those who work hard & stays with those, who don't rest on the laurels of the past. We have strived hard to propagate our age-old classical paper-pencil blackboard theory to impact quality education at affordable prices to enable scholars who seek excellence in their pursuit for an indomitable career.
S.A.V Balakrishna Senior Secondary School
International School
Smart Classes
250+ Courses
Best Teachers
Apply For Admission
Admissions open for Academic Year 2025 – 2026
We invite you to join our vision for your child’s future and en-roll for admissions by filling the online form. The offline admission forms can be collected from the Admin Office also.